Chemical Dependency Counselor License Exam - Question List

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Which of the following case management models can sometimes increase or intensify problems for some clients?

  1. Assertive community treatment model
  2. Strength-based model.
  3. Clinical/ rehabilitation model.
  4. Strength based model
42. Most of these case management models were adopted from the mental health treatment plan; one was not. Which one was not?
  1. Assertive community treatment model.
  2. Clinical/ rehabilitation model.
  3. Community treatment model.
  4. Strength based model.

With adolescents, as they are minors, the management of case falls primarily to the following aspects involved: family, school, community resources, the adolescent, other youth, and the treatment staff. Which aspect is considered the most important in determining the outcome of treatment?

  1. Family
  2. Community resources
  3. Treatment staff
  4. Adolescent
44. A fifty six year old mother in good health called a chemical dependency program asking to be admitted. It seems that every few months she feels it best if the “dries out.” As she has been through this particular program two times in the past year with the staff confronted her lack of investment counseling staff is considering what would be the best choice for the alcoholic?
  1. Deny admission.
  2. Admit for withdrawal only & refer to an AA member.
  3. Refer the woman to another treatment center.

A long-term heroin addict has been picked up for the third time for breaking and entering. There is no insurance to cover treatment and he does not have a job. What is the best option for him?

  1. Recommend that he plead guilty so he can get clean in prison
  2. Refer him to a methadone program
  3. Tell his legal counsel to take a plea deal for commitment into a rehab program
  4. None of the above

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