Alcohol Safety - Question List

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66. You are getting a customer another drink when suddenly you realize that you have lost count of how many he or she has already had. What is the best thing to do in this situation?
  1. Stop serving him or her. Better safe than sorry!
  2. Estimate the amount to the best of your abilities and discreetly monitor the customer for signs of intoxication.
  3. Ask the customer directly how many he or she has had.
  4. Delay serving the customer another round until you can remember the number.
67. Some of your customers want to take their unfinished drinks home with them. What should you do?
  1. Let them take their drinks home only if you have plastic (disposable) cups available.
  2. Agree to let everyone take his or her drink home except the designated driver.
  3. Only agree to let them take their drinks out if they are using private transportation home.
  4. Do not let them take their drinks home.
68. Two men come up to the bar and order two beers apiece, laughing and saying they are going to “double-fist” their drinks. What should you do here?
  1. Get the manager and ask his or her opinion.
  2. Agree to only serve them the weakest beer you have on tap.
  3. Politely tell them that they can have their second ones when they have finished with the first.
  4. Refuse to serve them.
69. A customer comes up to you with a half-full drink in his or her hand and asks you with a wink to “top it off” for him or her. Do you do as he or she asks?
  1. No!
  2. Only if he or she is polite and not showing signs of intoxication
  3. Yes!
  4. It depends on how the manager feels about it
70. You are serving a group of people who came in with a designated driver, but at the end of the evening you find out that the driver had to leave an hour earlier for a family emergency. The rest of the group is still there, and they have all had multiple drinks. What should you do?
  1. Call the police and tell them what’s going on.
  2. Try to contact the designated driver to ask if he or she can come back.
  3. Arrange alternate transportation home for the group.
  4. All of the above.

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