Registered Dietitian Exam Prep - Question List

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21. Which of the following is not a safe technique for thawing frozen food?
  1. In a refrigerator at 40’ F or less
  2. On a counter-top underneath a warming lamp for 20 minutes
  3. Under cold running water
  4. In a microwave just before cooking
22. Impaired glucose tolerance is defined as:
  1. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) > 140 mg/dl
  2. 2-hour plasma glucose between 140-199 mg/dl
  3. Casual plasma glucose of 200 mg/dl or greater
  4. An HbA1c level of 6 or greater
23. The standard of identity for ice cream is:
  1. It must be made only from dairy products.
  2. It must contain a minimum of 10% milkfat.
  3. It usually contains 3 grams of fat per serving.
  4. All of the above
24. In order to calculate a rate-based indicator for the proportion of oncology patients experiencing weight loss after chemotherapy it would be necessary to know which of the following?
  1. The number of chemotherapy patients experiencing weight loss during treatment
  2. The total number of patients receiving chemotherapy during the study period
  3. The number of all patients experiencing weight loss during the study period
  4. A & B
25. The correct refrigerator temperature range for eggs and dairy products is:
  1. 32-40’ F
  2. 40-45’ F
  3. 25-30 ‘F
  4. 45-50’ F

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