You are treating a distressed infant that falls into Bradycardia.  It is a sign that what could happen next?

  1. Nothing. Distressed infants and children often have Bradycardia.
  2. The infant or child will suffer a seizure.
  3. The infant or child will lapse into anaphylactic shock.
  4. Bradycardia in distressed infants and children is a warning of impending cardiac arrest.

Answer: D - Bradycardia in a distressed infant or young child is an ominous sign of impending cardiac arrest. The parameters of Bradycardia differ with age so it is important to know the differences: <100 beats per minute in a premature infant, < 80 beats per minute in an infant born to term, <60 in an infant 3 months or older.  

If bradycardia occurs the level of medical attention should be rapidly escalated.

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