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Category - CCRN Neonatal
A newborn with physiological jaundice is placed on phototherapy. Which of the following actions of the neonatal nurse are appropriate for the newborn on phototherapy?I. Maintain eye dressings during breastfeeding.II. Place the lights 30 inches above the newborn.III. Monitor the axillary temperature of the newborn.IV. Undress the infant, except for the diaper, when exposed to the light.
Answer: B - The neonatal nurse places the light 30 inches above the newborn, monitors the axillary temperature of the developing, and undresses the infant except for the diaper when exposed to light. Eye dressings or cotton balls are firmly secured when the newborn is exposed to bright lights. When feeding, the eye dressings should be removed in order to stimulate vision and strengthen the bond between mother and child.