CCRN Exam Prep - Neonatal Critical Care Nursing

Category - Labor, Birth, and Immediate Postpartum

After birth, the nurse dries a male neonate’s face and hair with a clean, pre-warmed towel. After drying, the nurse covers the neonate’s hair with a cap. The purpose of these actions is to prevent heat loss through:

  1. Convection.
  2. Conduction.
  3. Evaporation.
  4. Radiation.
Answer: C - The actions of the midwife help prevent heat loss through the process of evaporation. Evaporation is the loss of heat when a liquid is converted to vapor. Drying the neonate with a clean, pre - warmed towel and covering the neonate’s hair with a cap are some of the interventions that prevent evaporation. Convection is the flow of heat from the surface of the body to cooler surrounding air. Conduction is the transfer of body heat to a cooler object that is in contact with the baby. Radiation is the transfer of body heat to a cooler solid object not in contact with the body.
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