The NP meets with the family members of a client with Alzheimer’s disease. The nurse and the family agree that effective communication is essential when caring for the client. The nurse encourages the family members to adhere to the following strategies when communicating with the client?

  1. Ask one question at a time.
  2. Speak in a loud voice.
  3. Avoid eye contact.
  4. If the client has difficulty understanding what one is saying, repeat the words that were used the first time.
Answer: A - The family members are instructed to ask one question at a time. The family members are taught to give one-step directions. Speaking in a loud voice can agitate the client. It is recommended that the family members speak distinctly without shouting and use pauses to give the client time to process the information. Eye contact is important. Facial expression and body language add more information to the communication. If the client has difficulty understanding the first time, do not repeat; instead, rephrase.
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