FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

Maternal emotional lability at five days postpartum, without other psychological symptoms, is most indicative of:
  1. Postpartum blues
  2. Postpartum depression
  3. Postpartum psychosis
Answer: A - Maternal emotional lability at five days postpartum, without other psychological symptoms, is most indicative of postpartum blues.

Postpartum blues (mood swings, episodes of tearfulness, irritability) are experienced by 40-80% of women and typically resolve within the first two weeks postpartum. A smaller percentage of women (10-20%) experience postpartum depression, which is characterized by feelings of hopelessness or despair that occur on most days within a two week period. Postpartum depression most often has an onset within the first month postpartum, but may occur anytime during the first year after giving birth. Postpartum psychosis occurs in 0.1% of women and is characterized by symptoms similar to bipolar disorder.
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