FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

Virginia is a primary care client. She is 71 years old and has lived alone since the recent death of her husband. She is usually cheerful, but today she does not smile much and often speaks flatly. Her child accompanied her to the appointment and says Virginia has lost interest in cleaning her house and mainly eats junk food. What action might make sense?

  1. Virginia needs occupational therapy to help her learn how to cook for herself.
  2. No action is necessary, this is normal
  3. Millie should move to assisted living because she is not taking proper care of herself.
  4. Millie appears depressed and should be assessed by a psychiatrist
  5. None of the above

Answer: D. Virginia appears depressed and should be assessed further. Presenting with a flat affect or tone of voice, neglecting daily chores, and eating a poor diet are all signs of depression. Considering that Virginia’s husband recently passed away, she is at a higher risk for developing depression and should be assessed for the condition. While it may be appropriate for her to move to assisted living, a more thorough evaluation of her mental status beforehand makes sense as her depression could be treatable and allow her to continue living independently.

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