National Police Officer Exam Prep

Category - Police Officer

Officer Kim is on her way to Melissa’s house, traveling 59 miles per hour.  Officer Kim lives 29 miles from Melissa’s house.

Estimate the amount of time it will take Officer Kim to arrive at Melissa’s house.

  1. 60 minutes
  2. 1 hour
  3. A half hour
  4. 20 minutes
Answer: C -It will take approximately a half hour to get to Melissa’s house. Instead of finding the exact answer, it is sometimes easier to estimate. If you estimate that 59 is close to 60 and 29 is close to 30, it is easier to see that she is traveling at the rate of one mile per minute. Since Kim lives approximately 30 miles away, it should take approximately 30 minutes or a half hour to arrive.
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