SHSAT Practice Test

Category - SHSAT Math Practice

What are the two primary categories of fractions?
  1. True fractions and mixed fractions
  2. Geometric fractions and algebraic fractions
  3. Common fractions and uncommon fractions
  4. Decimal fractions and common fractions
Answer: D - Most fractions fall into one of two categories: decimal fractions or common fractions. Any time a number has a digit other than '0' to the right of the decimal it is a decimal fraction. Digits to the right of a decimal represent values of less than one or a fraction of one whole unit. Common fractions are the expressions in which there is a numerator and denominator separated by a diagonal or horizontal line. The denominator represents how many fractional units comprise one whole; the numerator represents how many fractional units comprise the subject of the fraction. For example, in the word problem, “Jack and Jane are sharing a pizza with 12 slices. Jack eats four slices and Jane eats three. How much of the pizza did they eat altogether?” 12 slices represents the whole and seven is the subject of the fraction (7/12).
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