Correct Response: D. In an SEI program, the scope of content aligns with the general education curriculum, and principles of sheltered instruction are used for content-area instruction in all core academic areas (e.g., social studies, math, science, language arts) and across grade levels. The goal of sheltered instruction is to provide English learners with access to the core curriculum by teaching in a way that is meaningful and comprehensible to second-language learners. SEI teachers provide differentiated content instruction to English learners using the scaffolds and language supports students need to develop content knowledge and related academic language. A is incorrect because the SEI teacher should use grade-level materials, and the scope of content in an elementary SEI class should not be limited to teaching reading comprehension strategies. Similarly, B and C are incorrect because they limit the scope of content to a few topics or a single curricular area, and they focus on materials that are not likely to fully address the grade-level core curriculum.