MTEL Business Practice Exam

Category - Business Operations

Which of the following best describes one difference between a free-market system and a monopoly?
  1. The supply of goods in a monopoly is likely to more closely reflect demand.
  2. Goods sold in a free-market system are likely to be of higher quality than equivalent goods sold in a monopoly.
  3. Consumers are likely to have more choices of styles available for goods sold in a monopoly.
  4. Goods sold in a free-market economy are likely to be higher in price than equivalent goods sold in a monopoly.
Correct Response: B. A free-market system is more likely to produce a high quality product for consumers than is a monopoly. Free market producers compete with one another to create better products and provide consumers with more choices for products to purchase. A free-market system is based on supply and demand determined by consumers' wants and needs, not a monopoly (A). A free-market system offers more choices since producers are constantly competing to gain market share, whereas a monopoly reduces consumer choice (C). In a free-market system, producers also compete to push prices lower in order to gain market share. A monopoly dominates the market and controls the pricing. The focus is to eliminate competition so consumers have no choice but to purchase their products at inflated prices (D). 
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