Mrs. Helen, a 49-year-old woman, complains of a feeling of heaviness in her pelvis, urine incontinence, and constipation. She also experiences the urge to urinate even after urinating. She is diagnosed with cystocele. Assign the correct ICD-10 code for this case.
  1. N81.6
  2. N81.3
  3. N81.5
  4. N81.1
Answer: D 

N81.1 is the appropriate code because it is used to code for cystocele which is the diagnosis in this patient. In cystocele, female genital prolapse occurs that causes a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis, urine continence, urge to urinate frequently, and disturbed bowel movements. 

Option A is not correct because N81.6 is used to specify rectocele, which is not the diagnosis here. 

Option B is not correct because N81.5 is used to specify vaginal enterocele which is not the diagnosis here. 

Option C is not correct because N81.3 is used to code for complete uterovaginal prolapse which is not the diagnosis here. 
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