CompTIA Network+ Exam Review

Category - Networking

How does a router handle broadcasts?
  1. Routers forward broadcasts, but do not initiate them.
  2. Routers do not initiate or forward broadcasts.
  3. Routers initiate broadcasts, but do not forward them.
  4. Routers initiate broadcasts and forward them.
Answer - C - Routers initiate broadcasts, but do not forward them.

Key Takeaway: A router is a device used to break up broadcast domains. A broadcast domain is a logical part of a network where any network device can transmit data directly to another device without going through a routing device. A router blocks a layer-2 broadcast, like an ARP request, which is sent by a machine on the network to all devices on the network. The only time when a router will originate a broadcast is when a router is sending update information using routing protocols like RIP.
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