David is switching ON his computer after a month, and an error message displays stating "No operating system found". Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of this issue?
Answer - A - If a device cannot be found in SYSTEM.INI, it will not lead to the error message “No operating system found.” No operating system found, corrupt boot.ini files, or a corrupt boot sector can lead to this error message.
Key Takeaway: Many times you may delete a program or application from your computer, but one of the files is still called by the System.ini, or the Registry. This leads to the error message. To fix this:
1. Open System.ini in Notepad or with Sysedit.
2. Search for the file name and delete the entire line.
3. If it is not found in System.ini, run Regedit, and find the filename.
4. Delete the and close Regedit.