FRM Financial Risk Manager Practice Test

Category - Terms and concepts

You would most likely receive confirmation of “freedom to operate” from:
  1. A nurse.
  2. A patent attorney.
  3. A strategy consultant.
  4. The head of IT.
  5. Compliance director.
“Freedom to operate” comes from your patent attorney and means you can move towards commercialization of a product or service without infringing on the intellectual property rights of others. It is irresponsible to move forward on the commercialization of a product without freedom-to-operate approval from a patent attorney. Any go-to-market plan should include the (not insubstantial) cost of getting this authorization.

Key Takeaway: When you are assessing a company’s value and future prospects, consider how they are managing their intellectual property. A product that has high potential, but does not yet have clearance to be produced has a major element of risk in it.
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