Imagine that you are studying the restriction of immigration to the United States in the 1920's. You have the following sources of information available to you. A 1924 newspaper editorial supporting the quota system that limited immigration The text of the 1924 Immigration Act (or the National Origins Act) The text of a speech made at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1923 A Russian woman's account of her experiences during the Russian Civil War and her escape to the United States in 1922 A 1924 magazine editorial opposing the quota system that limited immigration The story of a Greek family's journey to the United States in 1906 written by a journalist in 1955 The 1910, 1920, and 1930 United States census data telling how many immigrants came from which countriesWhich source would tell you most about the effects of the 1924 Immigration Act on changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States?