David needs to implement a new software update infrastructure. No security patches, critical updates, or service packs have ever been installed on any of the client computers on the network. He installs Windows Server Update Services on a Windows Server 2003 computer named S5.
He synchronizes and approves all of the current security patches, critical updates, and service packs. He also needs to ensure that all client computers receive all Microsoft security patches, critical updates, and service packs. Which of the following should he do?
Answer - A - For all the clients to be able to receive all Microsoft security patches, critical updates, and service packs, David should install the Automatic Updates client on all client computers.
Key Takeaway: The Windows Update service provides a single location for all the updates for a Windows computer. By turning on the Automatic Updates feature all high-priority updates including security and reliability updates, drivers, service packs, and feature updates can be updated. Automatic Updates routinely checks for the latest high-priority updates and then downloads and installs them automatically. Although it installs all high-priority updates, it will not download and install Optional updates.