Which of the following tools is used to collect information during the on/off transition phases of Windows 7?
  1. Xperf.exe
  2. Xperfview.exe
  3. Xbootmgr.exe
  4. Bootmgr.exe
Answer: C - Xbootmgr.exe is used to collect information during the on/off transition phases of Windows 7.

Key Takeaway: Xbootmgr.exe collects information during the on/off transition phases of Windows 7. You can capture data during the following phases: Boot, Shutdown, Sleep and resume, and Hibernate and resume. After issuing a trace command, the test computer resets within 5 seconds. The On/Off Transition Trace Capture tool can automate a reboot cycle during which the computer running Windows 7 is shut down and rebooted multiple times. You can analyze the captured data by using the Xperf.exe and Xperfview.exe tools.
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