Forensic Social Worker Study Questions

Category - Professionalism

A social worker contacts her administrator to discuss an emergency problem with a family receiving services. Due to cutbacks, the father of the familyhas been let go from his job and has not been successful in finding new work. The fuel oil has run out that provides this family with heat, and they have no current method to pay for more. The weather forecast is calling for dangerously cold temperatures within the next 48 hours, and there are twosmall children in the home. Since the human service office does not currently have the funding to provide assistance, what should an administrator do next?
  1. Pay the bill out of pocket and wait for reimbursement
  2. Staff should not have waited this long to report an emergency
  3. Take up a donation from all staff
  4. Locate another agency that may have available funding
Answer: D - Administrators should be knowledgeable of resources through other agencies based on referrals and partnerships. Once an available source is found, the social worker can assist the client in obtaining the necessary funding. Administrators work as advocates in and out of their agencies to secure resources meeting client’s needs.
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