Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

In the stages of crisis intervention assessment which stage is least important?
  1. The end
  2. Precipitating events.
  3. Assess the client's present psychosocial state.
  4. Collaboratively define the problem with the client.
Answer: B - Though certainly not unimportant, looking at precipitating events is not as crucial as identifying the event that brought about the crisis, the client's psychosocial state and the ability to define the problem. The precipitating events caused the crisis; the next step is to address the immediate crisis. In case of
a fire alarm you put out the fire.
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Byron Brannon says:

Crazy...A and B are the same. What led (precipitating)to the crisis...precipitating events?

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