Periapical abscesses can be categorized as:
  1. Symptomatic and asymptomatic
  2. Novas and symptomatic
  3. Periapical and asymptomatic
  4. Novas and periapical
Answer: A - Periapical abscess can be categorized as symptomatic and asymptomatic. Periapical abscesses are an accumulation of inflammatory cells at the apex of a nonvital tooth. Adjacent to the nonvital, tooth there is an accumulation of purulent materials in the alveolus and swelling. If the abscess proliferates, it normally does so through the buccal plate. There is sensitivity to percussion and palpation, but there is no response to thermal or electric pulp tests. Patient may complain of headache, chills, fever, and malaise. Treatment consists of root canal, analgesics, and antibiotics.
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