AP English Language & Composition Test Prep

Category - Monarch Butterflies

The World Wildlife Foundation recently reports that the number of monarch butterflies overwintering in Mexico has declined drastically. Although extreme drought conditions have dried up nectar plants monarch butterflies rely on for food. The destruction of their overwintering grounds also poses a considerate threat.

When monarch butterflies arrive in Mexico from Canada and the United States, they converge on oyamel fir trees. The trees provide shelter to monarch butterflies they are also essential to the communities that surround the forests. In the past, residents used the wood for cooking and heating, but recently, they have began to sell it in order to support their livelihoods. As a result of logging oyamel fir trees, the habitat of the monarch butterfly population has shrunk.

In 2008, scientists used satellite imagery to illustrate the degradation of oyamel fir forests. Officials from Canada, Mexico and the United States met to quickly develop a monarch butterfly conservation plan. A key feature of the plan focused on protecting the monarch butterflies’ habitat. Mexico agreed to enforce a ban on logging within the Monarch Biosphere Bio Reserve.

Despite various conversation efforts, including paying landowners for logging rights, the monarch butterfly population continues to decline. There was a 28 percent reduction in numbers of butterflies overwintering in Mexico. If further efforts are not made, some scientist predict the total collapse of the ecosystem that supports monarch butterflies in Mexico.

Why have the ovamel fir tree forests decreased in recent years?
  1. Severe drought has led to the death of many trees.
  2. There is no conservation plan in place to protect the trees.
  3. Scientists were not aware of the need to maintain the forests.
  4. Residents have begun selling the trees for profit, rather than only using them for personal needs.
Answer [C]: In recent years, residents who previously harvested the fir trees for personal use have begun selling the wood as a means of making a livelihood. This increase in harvesting of the fir trees has diminished the winter habitat for the monarch butterfly. Because the habitat is smaller, the population of the butterflies is also decreasing.
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