National Police Officer Exam Prep

Category - Police Officer

In an effort to conserve fuel, reduce traffic congestion, and encourage greater use of public transportation, police in Central City are enforcing new driving restrictions through the use of specially marked license plates. These restrictions apply to all vehicular traffic within a two-mile radius of the city center and are effective Monday through Friday:

  • Vehicles with an “A” license plate are considered essential to city services and may travel and park freely in the city center. Police, fire and emergency vehicles are examples of vehicles that would be issued an “A” license plate.
  • Public transportation vehicles such as buses and taxis will be issued a “K” license plate, and they too may travel freely through the city center, though they may not park anywhere within the city center.
  • Delivery vehicles will be issued a “B” license plate which allows them access to the city center for loading and unloading between 8 and 10 am and 4 to 6 pm only. There is no restriction on deliveries over the weekend.
  • Shop and business owners within the city center will be issued a “Q” license plate which allows them access to their place of business; however, parking within the city center must be off-street.
  • Privately-owned vehicles with an “X” license plate may be driven and parked within the city center on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday only.
  • Vehicles issued a “Z” license plate may be driven and parked within the city center on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday only.

Central City police are authorized to ticket and arrange for the immediate towing of vehicles violating these new license ordinances. The objective of these changes is to make the city center less congested and more shopper-friendly.

According to the above passage, what type of license plate will be assigned to Lucy, who owns a clothing store in the city center?

  1. Q license plate
  2. X license plate
  3. A license plate
  4. B license plate
  5. Z license plate

Answer: A - Q license plate

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