With respect to establishing “reasonable diligence” for under 35 USC 102(g), which of the following statements is or are in accordance with the patent laws, rules and procedures as related in the MPEP? (1) The inventor and his attorney must drop all other work and concentrate on the particular invention involved. (2) The entire period during which diligence is required must be accounted for by either affirmative acts or acceptable excuses. (3) Work relied upon to show reasonable diligence must be directly related to the reduction to practice.
Answer: E - The entire period for which diligence is required must be accounted for. MPEP § 2138.06, under the heading “The Entire Period During Which Diligence Is Required Must Be Accounted For By Either Affirmative Acts Or Acceptable Excuses,” states “[a]n applicant must account for the entire period during which diligence is required. Gould v. Schawlow, 363 F.2d 908, 919, 150 USPQ 634, 643 (CCPA 1966) (Merely stating that there were no weeks or months that the invention was not worked on is not enough.).” MPEP § 2138.06, under the heading “Work Relied Upon To Show Reasonable Diligence Must Be Directly Related To The Reduction To Practice,” states “[t]he work relied upon to show reasonable diligence must be directly related to the reduction to practice of the invention in issue. Naber v.Cricchi, 567 F.2d 382, 384, 196 USPQ 294, 296 (CCPA 1977), cert. denied, 439 U.S. 826 (1978). ‘U]nder some circumstances an inventor should also be able to rely on work on closely related inventions as support for diligence toward the reduction to practice on an invention in issue.’” (A) is incorrect because statement (1) is not true - an inventor or his attorney need not drop all other work to establish reasonable diligence. Emery v. Ronden, 188 USPQ 264, 268 (Bd. Pat. Inter. 1974); MPEP § 2138.06. (B) is incorrect because it does not include true statement (3). (C) is incorrect because it does not include true statement (2). (D) is incorrect because it includes false statement (1).