SSAT Middle Level Exam Prep

Category - SSAT Middle Level

disheveled : unkempt ::
  1. officious : retiring
  2. latent : dormant
  3. lackadaisical : vigorous
  4. monolithic : minute
Answer: Choice (B) is correct.

Something that is disheveled is messy or unkempt. Therefore, look for the answer choice that contains synonyms. In choice (A), officious means someone who is meddling and overenthusiastic about offering their opinion, which is exactly the opposite of retiring. In choice (C), lackadaisical means half-hearted and apathetic, not vigorous and energetic. In choice (D), monolithic means massive, not minute or tiny. Choice (B) is the only answer choice that contains synonyms. Latent means underlying or dormant, so that is the choice that contains synonyms.
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