LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

A statue is to a painting as a(n) ________ is to a(n) _________.
  1. pencil : pen
  2. fish : snowflake
  3. automobile : transportation
  4. judge : legislator
Answer: A - A statue is to a painting as a pencil is to a pen. Statues and paintings are different types of artwork, and pencils and pens are different types of writing instruments. Fish and snowflakes have no relationship. An automobile is a device that can be used for transportation-there is no distinction between types within the same category. Although a judge and a legislator are both public officials, Answer A is a better answer because pencils and pens are clearly different types within the same category (writing instruments). Answer D leaves some doubt because, even if a judge and a legislator are both public officials, each has a different role, whereas pens and pencils both have the same purpose as writing instruments.
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