LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

A corporation is to a subsidiary as a(n) ________ is to a(n) _________.
  1. parent : child
  2. sister : brother
  3. ocean : bay
  4. leaf : tree
Answer: A - A corporation is to a subsidiary as a parent is to a child. A subsidiary is a separate business entity that is owned or controlled by the corporation, and a child is a separate human being who is a direct descendant of his or her parent. The relationship between sister and brother is that they both have the same parents. The water in a bay may be seawater, but the bay is formed by the land or shoreline around it, and is not defined by its relationship to the ocean. A leaf is part of a tree and not separate in the way a parent and child are separate. (Also, the leaf-to-tree relationship reverses the dominant/large-to-subordinate/small relationship.)
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