Praxis I Math Exam Prep

Category - Mathematics

What part of a poll or survey is considered the 'sample'?
  1. The sum total of responses collected through the poll or survey
  2. The group of people participating in the survey or poll who represent a larger population
  3. The larger population the poll or survey is attempting to understand
  4. The questions the participants are asked
Answer: B - The small group of participants in a survey or poll is called the sample (or sample group) because they are theoretically meant to be a sampling of the larger population that the survey or poll aims to describe. For example, when election day exit polls are conducted, random voters are asked about their vote as they walk out of their polling place. This takes place in myriad locations nationwide. Only a small portion of voters ultimately participate in an exit poll, but the results of exit polls are used to predict what the entire body of voters did that day. The voters who actually participate in the exit poll are the sample group.
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