Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Treatment Plan

Your client is an alcoholic. He says that when he doesn't drink, he feels anxious with significant muscle tension, and strong fear of not being able to control the anxiety. He sees drinking as an escape from these feelings that overwhelm him. The most likely diagnosis that would need to be addressed in a treatment plan is:

  1. Panic disorder
  2. Generalized anxiety disorder
  3. Agoraphobia
  4. Schizophrenia
  5. Tachycardia

Answer - B - Generalized anxiety disorder would likely be the diagnosis.  Note A, C, and E closely related and could have comorbidities, and could be mistaken for one for the other very easily.  However, with as many physical symptoms as he demonstrates, GAD would seem the more appropriate overall. While there's likely no silver bullet, given this client the skillset to deal with anxiety, as well as working with a psychiatrist on a medication plan, could help mitigate this client's need to drink.

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