CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

You want to update your server with the latest service pack. Before proceeding with a service pack update on your server, what is the most important and first task to be performed?
  1. Back up the server.
  2. Document the server settings.
  3. Make sure you have the correct updates.
  4. Review the documentation.
Answer - A - Prior to installing a service pack update, you should perform a full backup of the server.

Key Takeaway: Service pack is an OS configuration update that may or may not work effectively at all times. Many times a service pack update can corrupt, slow down, or crash the system. Hence, it is vital to back up the server prior to making any changes that may result in a error condition. Once these are done, before applying the service pack, make sure you have the correct updates and review the documentation that comes with it.
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