You are present for a court hearing for a substance abuser who appears articulate, intelligent, and well-spoken.  However, in your mandated counseling session you find is using language that would lead you to believe that he is trying to show he couldn't have been intelligent enough to perform specific actions and implies he should have his sentence or fine reduced. You might suspect this may be a case of:

  1. Relationship issues
  2. Mental retardation
  3. Personality disorder
  4. Malingering
  5. All of the above

Answer - D - Malingering.  While it may be true, given his circumstances, that this person may have relationship issues with others, or potentially a personality disorder, the real issue here is that he is attempting to manipulate someone who is involved in his care to lower his diagnosis or dismiss it all-together to avoid paying a particular penalty.  This could be an attempt at malingering to avoid consequences.

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