Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Treatment Plan

You are counseling a client who wants to stem her drinking problem. She says she feels stressed and disorganized all the time. You are considering Brief Solution-Based therapy. The underlying theory is _____________.

  1. Problems stem from the inability of the ego to suppress or moderate drives from the id.
  2. A climate of acceptance and unconditional positive regard promotes self-esteem and facilitates client growth
  3. Small behavioral changes lead to larger changes that have ripple effects on the whole system
  4. People are self-determining and choose everything, including their thoughts, actions, and emotions.
  5. None of the above

Answer - C - Brief Solution-Based therapy is focused on small behavioral changes leading to larger changes that have ripple effects on the whole system is the underlying theory of Brief Solution-based therapy. Answer A is the underlying theory of Brief Psychodynamic psychotherapy. Answer B is the underlying theory of Person-Centered therapy and answer D is the underlying theory of Reality therapy.

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