CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

You are a security administrator at your organization. Which of the following should you do when a new patch is released for a server?
  1. Ignore the patch.
  2. Immediately install the patch on the production server.
  3. Review discussion forums for the usefulness of this patch.
  4. Test the patch on a test server and then install the patch on the production server.
Answer - D - Prior to implementing the patch on the production server, the patch should first be installed on a non-production test server and tested.

Key Takeaway: Not all patches and updates can be beneficial. There are some that hinder or corrupt the normal functioning of the computer/server by conflicting with other applications on the machine. It is always recommended to test the patch/update in a simulated environment identical to the production server and note its benefits and ill-effects. Never marry without a courtship!
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