EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

Which set of words are correctly matched with their definition?
  1. Stereotype - a set of emotions and value judgments; Prejudice - beliefs about a group of people; Discrimination - behavior based on prejudice
  2. Stereotype - behavior based on prejudice; Prejudice - a set of emotions and value judgments in the context of an attitude based on stereotypes; Discrimination - beliefs about a group of people
  3. Stereotype - beliefs about a group of people; Prejudice - a set of emotions and value judgments in the context of an attitude based on stereotypes; Discrimination - behavior based on prejudice
  4. Stereotype - behavior based on prejudice; Prejudice - beliefs about a group of people; Discrimination - a set of emotions and value judgments in the context of an attitude based on stereotypes
Answer: C - Stereotype - beliefs about a group of people; Prejudice - a set of emotions and value judgments in the context of an attitude based on stereotypes; Discrimination - behavior based on prejudice
While closely related, stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination describe different concepts. Stereotypes are beliefs about a group of people. This can also be thought of as a schema about people. Individuals who have stereotypes are more likely to have prejudice (i.e., value judgments) about the groups for which they have a stereotype. Prejudice, in turn, can lead to discrimination. In other words, individuals who have prejudices are more likely to demonstrate behavior based on value judgments made about groups of people
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