Which of the following specifies why a site survey is a prime requirement for installing a wireless LAN?
  1. To justify the need for a wireless LAN
  2. To determine the range, coverage, and potential RF interference sources
  3. To enable the RF equipment to operate in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications
  4. To ensure there is some documentation on the wireless LAN
Answer - B - Site survey is a prime requirement for installing a wireless LAN, since it determines the range, coverage, and potential RF interference sources.

Key Takeaway: A wireless site survey, also called an RF site survey or wireless survey, is the process of planning and designing a wireless network. This ensures that a wireless solution will deliver the required wireless coverage, data rates, network capacity, roaming capability, and QoS. The survey involves a site visit to run tests to determine the presence of RF interference and identify optimum installation locations for access points.
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