Which of the following specifies the life expectancy of a compact fluorescent lamp?
  1. 200 hours
  2. 2,500 hours
  3. 10,000 hours
  4. 500 hours
Answer - C - The standard life expectancy of a compact fluorescent lamp is 10,000 hours.

Key Takeaway: A Compact Fluorescent Lamp, or CFL, uses less power and has a longer rated life when compared to general incandescent lamps giving the same amount of visible light. CFLs are produced for both AC and DC input. The average rated life of a CFL is between 8 and 15 times to that of the incandescent. CFLs typically have a rated lifespan of between 6,000 and 15,000 hours, whereas incandescent lamps have a lifespan of 750 or 1,000 hours.
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