CLEP Introduction to Sociology Exam Prep

Category - CLEP Sociology Test Prep

Which of the following social psychologists formulated the idea of the “looking-glass self”?
  1. George Herbert Mead
  2. Charles Horton Cooley
  3. Sigmund Freud
  4. Erik Erikson
Answer - B - Charles Horton Cooley formulated the idea of the “looking-glass self.”

Key Takeaway: Cooley argued that there are three stages in how we form our identity, which, collectively, he referred to as the “looking-glass self.” In this theory, Cooley stated that humans always imagine how they are perceived by other humans, we actively observe how others react to us to see if we are perceived the same way we imagine ourselves, and we construct an identity based upon the reactions and judgments of others, essentially from the “looking glass” of others in society.
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