EPPP Psychology

Category - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues

Which of the following is TRUE?
  1. a polygraph detects lies by measuring the activity of the amygdala
  2. a polygraph is not admitted as evidence in court as it can produce unreliable results
  3. a polygraph detects lies by changing brain chemistry
  4. a polygraph is like a Ouija board
Answer: B - A polygraph is not admitted as evidence in court as it can produce unreliable results.
Key Takeaway: A polygraph is a method of detecting physiological arousal in an effort to find out if someone is lying. A person is connected to a machine that simultaneously checks such physiological activity as heart rate, skin response and blood pressure while being asked questions about a particular event. Polygraphs are not admitted as evidence of wrong doing in court as it can produce unreliable results.
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