ASVAB Practice Math Questions

Category - Math - Hard

Which of the following is greater than 1/3?
  1. 33/100
  2. 4/11
  3. 3/10
  4. 13/54
  5. 5/16
Answer B You can change numerator of 1/3 by multiplying both numerator and denominator by the same numbers.
1/3 = 33/99 , 4/12, 3/9 and 5/15

33/100 <33/99
4/11 >4/12
3/10 < 3/9
5/16 <5/15

4/11 is greater than 1/3

Key takeaway: The GMAT often asks you to compare two or more fraction and decide which is larger. Use the Bowtie technique to find the common denominator. This technique is also used to add or subtract. Compare the first two fractions and eliminate the smaller one and then compare with next fraction; and so on.
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