Which of the following is a method of removing or bypassing a BIOS password?
  1. Remove the CMOS battery
  2. Change memory card
  3. Re-connect all drive cables to the motherboard
  4. Restart the computer
Answer - A - To remove a BIOS password, just reseat the CMOS battery. A computer stores its settings and keeps the time even when it is turned off and unplugged because these parts are powered by a small battery inside the computer called a CMOS battery.

Key Takeaway: Before removing the CMOS battery, make sure your computer is off and that you're properly grounding yourself. Grab the edge of the battery and pull it up and out of its holding container. Make sure you write down all the BIOS settings before you pull out the battery.
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Additional Answers

James Ayers says:

This doesn't work until you remove the password jumper.

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