Which of the following is a major difference between a Worm and a Trojan horse?
  1. Worms spread via e-mail, while Trojan horses don’t.
  2. Worms are a form of malicious code, whereas Trojan horses are not.
  3. They are the same.
  4. Worms self replicate, while Trojan horses don’t.
Answer: D - The standard difference between a worm and a Trojan is that worms easily replicate, whereas Trojans don’t. A Trojan horse is anything that sneaks in under the guise of something else.

Key Takeaway: A Trojan horse may not be a virus, but may still carry a virus with it. A Trojan will typically enter your system by disguising itself as a friendly program until executed. Unlike viruses and worms, Trojans cannot replicate themselves and must be spread through the exchange of the Trojan Horse program itself. They attack computers rather than networks, and have been known to delete files or create backdoors, which are points of easy access that allow hackers to access the files on your computer remotely.
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