MCAS Biology Practice

Category - Chemistry

When stirred in 30°C water, 5 g of powdered potassium bromide, KBr, dissolves faster than 5 g of large crystals of potassium bromide. Which of the following best explains why the powdered KBr dissolves faster?
  1. Powdered potassium bromide exposes more surface area to water molecules than large crystals of potassium bromide.
  2. Potassium ions and bromide ions in the powder are smaller than potassium ions and bromide ions in the large crystals.
  3. Fewer potassium ions and bromide ions have been separated from each other in the powder than in the crystals.
  4. Powdered potassium bromide is less dense than large crystals of potassium bromide.
Answer: A - Powdered potassium bromide exposes more surface area to water molecules than large crystals of potassium bromide.
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