FPGEE Foreign Pharmacy

Category - Clinical

When discussing antibiotic treatment (Amoxicillin, 500 mg, PO, tid) with a patient, which of the following is true?

I. There are no interactions to be concerned about with Amoxicillin.
II. If a patient is on oral contraceptives, it is strongly suggested a backup means of contraception is used.
III. If a patient is on oral contraceptives, it is strongly suggested that they stop using the contraceptives immediately.
IV. Taking oral contraceptives along with Amoxicillin is fine as long as you double up on the oral contraceptive.
  1. I only
  2. II only
  3. III only
  4. IV only
Answer: B − Oral antibiotics interfere with the efficacy of oral contraceptives and a backup method of contraception is strongly recommended. It is inappropriate to recommend stopping contraceptive use or doubling up on the oral contraceptive.
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