When a user boots his computer, the monitor goes black. After investigating, you find out that he has set the refresh rate too high. How can you fix this problem?
  1. Reboot the computer
  2. Press F1 while booting
  3. Boot in VGA mode and change the refresh rate
  4. Delete the boot.ini file
Answer - C - There is no way of entering a normal boot configuration when the refresh rate is set to a very high value. Enter the VGA mode that loads the generic video drivers and set the resolution to 640×480 at a refresh rate of 60 Hz. This changes the refresh rate to an optimal value.

Key Takeaway: There are times when you may accidentally set the refresh rate on the monitor higher than what the monitor can take. When you do that, the monitor goes blank. It does not allow you to change the refresh rate. The only way of doing that is to go to the VGA mode in the advanced boot options menu when the computer boots up.
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