What item below is not associated with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)?
  1. User Agent Client
  2. User Agent Server
  3. User Agent Database
  4. Signaling Protocol
Answer - C - User agent database is not associated with SIP. SIP is a signaling protocol widely used for VoIP communications sessions. It is used in applications such as video conferencing, multimedia, instant messaging, and online gaming. SIP consists of two major components: the User Agent Clients (UAC) and User Agent Server (UAS). The UAC is the application that creates the SIP requests for initiating a communication session. UACs are generally messaging tools and soft-phone applications that are used to place VoIP calls. The UAS is the SIP server, which is responsible for handling all routing and signaling involved in VoIP calls. The SIP architecture consists of three different types of servers. These servers are the proxy server, the registrar server, and the redirect server. The proxy server is used to relay packets within a network between the UACs and the UAS. The registrar server keeps a centralized record of the updated locations of all the users on the network. The use of redirect servers allows clients to remain within reach while they move through numerous network coverage zones.
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