What is the type of software that is installed on someone’s computer without their knowledge?
  1. Adware
  2. Spyware
  3. Both A and B
  4. Neither A nor B
Answer - C - Adware and spyware is software installed on someone’s computer without their knowledge. Adware is usually the term used when companies want to track a user’s buying and browsing habits through the use of cookies, so a merchant know how to effectively market to this user. Some adware is software installed on your system that causes pop-up ads to appear continuously as you are surfing the Web. The software could be apart of another software package you installed or a stealth installation could have taken place. Spyware is usually considered more dangerous than adware because it may be written to capture keystrokes, capture system information, or install a backdoor on a system. Through the use of keyloggers, spyware can capture passwords, credit card information, or other sensitive data.
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