HiSET Science Test Prep

Category - HiSET Science Practice Test Questions

What is the most likely explanation for leaves wrapped in white construction paper having the lowest amount of chlorophyll?
  1. White paper prevented sunlight from being absorbed by the leaves
  2. White paper prevented carbon dioxide from being taken in by the leaves
  3. White paper prevented oxygen from being released by the leaves
  4. White paper prevented water from being released by the leaves
  5. Black paper prevented heat from being absorbed by the leaves.
Answer: A, The white paper prevented sunlight from being absorbed by the leaves.

Key Takeaway: The color of an item is the result of what shade of light it absorbs. All other shades are light are reflected. Items appear white only when they reflect all colors of light and absorb none. Since the white paper is reflecting all spectrums of light, no light will reach the leaves to promote photosynthesis.
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