CLEP Business Law

Category - US Legal System

What is the consequence of failing to comply with a subpoena?
  1. The court would delay the case until the party subpoenaed complies.
  2. The judge could hold the party subpoenaed in contempt.
  3. A warrant could be issued for the arrest of the party subpoenaed.
  4. The party subpoenaed could be arrested and jailed.
  5. B, C, and D.
Answer: E. The consequence of failing to comply with a subpoena is that the judge could hold the party subpoenaed in contempt, a warrant could be issued for the arrest of the part subpoenaed, and the party subpoenaed could be arrested and jailed. A subpoena is not merely a request, but a court order, often signed by a judge. Failing to comply with a subpoena will result in a serious legal consequence such as jail time or a fine.
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